
Modiji Haar Rahe Hain: Sanjay Singh’s comments during his court appearance after the emergency room search

Modiji Haar Rahe Hain: Sanjay Singh's comments during his court appearance after the emergency room search

Explore Sanjay Singh’s statements during his court appearance following the emergency services search. Learn about the latest developments here.

New Delhi: AAP MP Sanjay Singh found himself the center of attention when he appeared before Rouse Avenue court in Delhi after being arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) as part of the excise policy case in Delhi. Amid a wave of media coverage, Singh issued a statement alleging political motives behind his arrest. The courtroom drama unfolded as his lawyer and the ED prosecutor presented their arguments, highlighting the ongoing legal battle.

Sanjay Singh appeared in court

In a packed courtroom, AAP MP Sanjay Singh faced the media and declared: “Modiji will lose, he is losing the election, that’s why this is being done.” Singh’s defiant stance suggests he views his arrest as politically motivated with elections looming.

Charges and proceedings

Sanjay Singh’s lawyer Mohit Mathur vehemently defended his client, saying Singh’s arrest lacked a solid legal basis. Mathur further sought a remand copy from the ED to better understand the allegations against his client.The ED, represented by special public prosecutor Naveen Kumar Matta, countered these claims by revealing that two separate transactions, totaling Rs 2 crore, were identified. Dinesh Arora, who worked closely with Sanjay Singh, is said to have confirmed these transactions over the phone. The CEO’s detention refers to currency transactions at Singh’s home.

ED statement and Sanjay Singh's response

The ED claimed that two transactions, one worth Rs 1 billion and the other worth Rs 1 billion, took place. They said Sarvesh, an employee of Sanjay Singh, received the money at Singh’s house, a fact corroborated by Dinesh Arora.

Sanjay Singh vehemently denied the allegations, accusing the CEO of lying. The court questioned whether the statements of Singh’s employees were recorded and asked when he was arrested, since the transactions took place in August and October 2021.

ED Digital Evidence

The ED revealed that digital evidence, including confiscation of phones, was obtained, thereby strengthening their case. They emphasized that they had conducted searches in 239 locations, revealing important details about the financial transactions in question. The legal battle is ongoing
As Singh’s legal drama unfolds, the hearing in the Supreme Court regarding the bail of Manish Sisodia, another prominent member of AAP, is yet to be completed. The director general requested ten days of police detention citing the need for further interrogation and collection of evidence.

Legal complexity

Sanjay Singh’s lawyer objected to the need for remand, arguing that Singh’s arrest served a different purpose. He highlighted the changing statements of key witnesses and questioned the timing of Singh’s arrest.

As the legal battle rages on, the complexity of the excise policy issue in Delhi continues to dominate the headlines, raising questions about its political implications and the personalities involved. Sanjay Singh’s dramatic appearance in court amid emergency department raids has intensified the ongoing legal battle, with allegations of political motives and a series of complex issues Legal aspects are being noticed. The coming days will likely witness further developments in this famous case.

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