
Learn Free HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT, for Web Developers

Learn Free HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT, for Web Developers

Course Duration : Approx. 40 hours to complete

Skills you'll Learn

  • Category: JavaScript
  • Category: Css Frameworks
  • Category: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

There are 5 module in the course

Did you know that the website and website is the only user interface that the user can directly interact with? If it fails, the user doesn’t care about the server side! A modern user has high expectations for a website: it should load quickly, display the required service and be easy to navigate on all platforms, including tablets and smartphones.This course covers the basic tools every web coder should know. We starts from scratch, learning to use HTML and CSS to create modern web pages.

Next, we will learn how to code our pages so that their components are automatically repositioned and resized when the screen size changes. You can write code for a website that works equally well on desktop and mobile devices.Pinch and Zoom no need! Last but certainly not least, we get a thorough introduction to the most common, popular and extraordinarily powerful language on the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you can create a full-featured web application that uses Ajax to expose server-side functionality and information to the end user.

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