
Minority Groups Demand a Truce in Gaza and March for Peace in Palestine

The nation's capital saw protests at Jama Masjid in support of the militant Hamas organization.

large protests have been organized by various minority groups in Delhi NCR and Kerala as tensions between Israel and Palestine grow, leading to large attacks in Gaza, extensive destruction, and a tragic loss of lives. These demonstrations demand an instant end to hostilities and stress how crucial it is for all sides to hold bilateral discussions to resolve the issue.

In the past, on October 13, a noteworthy occurrence took place during the ongoing Israel-Hamas tensions that continued to claim the lives of local inhabitants as both sides showed no willingness to cease their attacks. On Friday, Khaled Meshaal, the former leader of Hamas, had issued a call for rallies around the Muslim world.

Meshaal, a Hamas supporter, urged the surrounding nations to stand with Palestine and oppose Israel. According to Reuters, he declared, “[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday.”

At the time, Khaled Meshaal oversaw Hamas’s office in the diaspora. He delivered the international organization a taped message with this declaration. His message was addressed to the people and governments of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Syria, highlighting their important responsibility to stand with the Palestinians.It’s interesting to notice that the biggest concentrations of Palestinian refugees reside in Jordan and Lebanon.

It’s interesting to notice that the biggest concentrations of Palestinian refugees reside in Jordan and Lebanon.

After executing airstrikes on over 200 sites in Gaza City overnight in response to a recent onslaught by Hamas, Israel announced its determination to step up its retaliation with a ground offensive. There were at least 950 casualties—both fatalities and injuries—reported in the heavily populated coastal area.

The most serious Palestinian militant attack in Israel’s history occurred on Saturday before last as a result of Hamas-affiliated militants entering southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.

“The time has come to put theory into practice for all those who impart knowledge about jihad and for all those who acquire this knowledge,” Khaled Meshaal emphasized.

A worldwide “Day of Jihad” was called for on that specific Friday, and Khaled Meshaal, the leader of Hamas from 2004 until 2017, made the announcement. In his video message, he called on citizens of Islamic and Arab countries to congregate at the intersection in their cities on the appointed day. He invited citizens of nations that border Palestine to participate in the current conflict. Khaled Meshaal lived in Qatar at that time.

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