
With the new AI-powered Google search interface, you can now create photos right from the search bar.


The most recent addition to Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is an image creation tool. Users will be able to generate images directly from search-bar text prompts thanks to this capability.

To put it briefly, Google’s SGE will let users create photos right from the search bar.
The ability to request an image utilizing AI image tools will allow users to type text commands like “draw” or “create a [x]”.
Google’s Imagen text-to-image diffusion models fuel the AI Image Tool.
Industry leaders like Google, Meta, Microsoft, and others are releasing new features and models virtually every day as the tech sector competes to develop AI. Google recently updated its Search Generative Experience (SGE), allowing users to access images directly from a text prompt. similar to the Bing Image creation integration into Bing Search that Microsoft unveiled a few months back.

“As we continue to test integrating general AI capabilities into search, we’re testing new ways to do more while you’re searching, like generating an image with can turn ideas into reality or get help with writing drafts when you need a starting point,” Google shares this idea on its official blog.

In short, Google makes things easier for users with its AI-powered search engine – SGE or Search Generative Experience. This is Google’s new type of search engine that uses AI to generate more complete and informative answers to user queries. Google has expanded its EMS with search and interface capabilities, and brought in new features to make EMS more interactive and useful for users.
Notably, Google recently started providing AI-powered search result summaries through SGE. The new update gives users a brief overview of their search query. Another update also allows users to check for grammar and other errors in the terms they search for in search. Now, with the latest update, users can run queries with phrases like “draw” or “create [x]” and watch SGE generate completely new images.
Image creation in SGE is supported by Google’s Imagen template family, similar to features found in Google Slides and Meet.

How does image generation work on Google Search?
Google’s general AI in search is powered by the company’s Imagen text-to-image streaming models that enable users to access SGE. It will allow users to request images when searching using words. Just like how you give a prompt in Bing image search, you can get it

For example, if you want an image of a dog dancing on a beach, you can simply type in and ask Google search to create the image for you. Once the reminder is sent, Google will show you four different options. In addition, users can also edit their descriptions to get images according to their preferences.

To test the AI ​​image generation capabilities in Google’s EMS, users can simply type “draw – your prompt -” or “sketch” into the Google search box. After sending the reminder, Google will display up to four images simultaneously, appearing above regular search results with a unique background color.
Additionally, Google may suggest some AI-generated images while users browse image search results. It’s important to note that there may be a delay in updating EMS in Image Search, so users may need to be a little patient. However, once this feature is available, it will be a valuable tool for users who have something specific in mind but cannot find the exact image they are looking for.

“Tap on one of these images and you’ll see how generative AI has expanded your initial query with descriptive details, such as ‘realistic image of a capybara wearing a chef’s hat and preparing breakfast in the woods, making “You can further edit the description to add even more details and bring your vision to life,” Google explains in its blog post. me. Google strongly emphasizes that it delivers new AI capabilities responsibly. It said the image generation tool will not generate images that violate the company’s prohibited use policy on image generation AI.

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