
Get employment in data analytics with Google’s assistance.

Get employment in data analytics with Google's assistance.

8 courses | 240 hours

Hosted on coursera

Get started in the rapidly expanding field of data analytics by obtaining a Google professional certificate. Acquire marketable skills that can help you in your career, such as data processing and analysis for important business insights.

About the Certification in Data Analytics

This entirely online curriculum, hosted on Coursera, gives you all the skills you need to secure an entry-level position in the data analytics industry.

  • Data types and structures
  • Using data to solve problems
  • How to analyze data
  • Data storytelling with visualizations
  • Using R programming to supercharge your analysis

Curriculum of the Certification in Data Analytics

  • Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
  • Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
  • Prepare Data For Exploration
  • Process Data from Dirty to Clean
  • Analyze Data to Answer Questions
  • Share Data Through the Art of Visualization
  • Data Analysis with R Programming
  • Data Analytics Capstone Project: Complete a Case Study

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