
Programming Languages, Part B

Programming Languages, Part B

Skill You'll Learn

  • Category: Programming Language Concepts
  • Category: Type System
  • Category: Functional Programming

There are 4 modules in this course

[As described below, this is Part B of a 3-part course. Participants should complete Part A first — Part B dives right in and refers often to material from Part A.]This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis on functional programming. The course uses the languages ML, Racket, and Ruby as vehicles for teaching the concepts, but the real intent is to teach enough about how any language “fits together” to make you more effective programming in any language — and in learning new ones.

This course is neither particularly theoretical nor just about programming specifics — it will give you a framework for understanding how to use language constructs effectively and how to design correct and elegant programs. By using different languages, you will learn to think more deeply than in terms of the particular syntax of one language. The emphasis on functional programming is essential for learning how to write robust, reusable, composable, and elegant programs. Indeed, many of the most important ideas in modern languages have their roots in functional programming. Get ready to learn a fresh and beautiful way to look at software and how to have fun building it.

This course will provide you with a framework for understanding how to use language constructs effectively and how to develop proper and elegant programs; it is neither extremely theoretical nor only about programming specifics. You can develop deeper thinking skills by employing multiple languages instead of just one language  specific syntax. To develop durable, reusable, composable, and elegant programs, one must learn the importance of functional programming. Indeed, functional programming is the source of many of the most significant concepts in contemporary languages. Prepare to discover a new and elegant perspective on software and how to enjoy creating it.

The first module of Part A goes into further detail on the prerequisites for this course, which include some programming expertise. A successful completion of Part A is required for Part B.

Part A, Part B, and Part C are the three Coursera courses that make up the course. There are two intermediate milestones and opportunities for a pause before continuing in the three-part arrangement because the course covers a large amount of challenging material, as detailed in greater detail in the first module of Part A. The three sections are meant to be finished in that sequence and are organized to encourage you to finish Part C.

The themes for all three parts of the course are listed in more depth in Week 1 of Part A, however it is anticipated that most course participants will not (yet!) be familiar with all of these topics..

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