Write For Us

Write For Us

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Read our contributor guidelines

If you are interested in becoming a contributor and/or syndicating your blog with us, please fill out our online application to get started, and be prepared to provide the following:

  • Your name & contact information
  • Your website/blog URL

We are currently receiving a high volume of requests every day and we appreciate your patience as we handle these requests as quickly as possible, in the order that they were received.

Contributor Guidelines

Articles submitted for consideration should be of interest and appropriate for the readers of the jobtech.com Blog. We prefer articles that related to jobs,news and Technologys readers – think op-ed rather than content marketing.

Write for us

Content Guidelines

All posts must be at least 800 words, but long-form content (1200+ words) is accepted and encouraged.

Articles may include relevant images, videos, and outbound links that improve the overall experience of our community.

Irrelevant hyperlinks will be removed and submissions containing keyword stuffing will be rejected.

Main Text

  • Meta Description (100-160 characters long)
  • Optional but recommended: Internal images
  • (in labeled file) + screenshots
  • All additional designs in an editable format
  • Guest Author photo
  • Guest Author short bio

Ready to Publish

Given the large volume of posts that we receive daily, we ask that your posts be in a ready-to-publish state that is consistent with our existing content standard when you submit them forfinal review. While we review each post and may adjust formatting as needed, postsrequiring heavy editing may be rejected.


What counts as an acceptable CTA:

  • A download of some sort of content resource (guide, report, white paper, eBook, etc.)
  • Registration for an event (webinar or live event)
  • A free demo (must link to signup page)
  • A link to an external article or website
  • What does not count as an acceptable CTA:
  • A call to follow the company on social media, including social profile links
  • A call to subscribe to email newsletters and other related subscriptions
  • A call to contact a company, including all forms of contact information

Originality and accuracy

All contributors are responsible for the originality and accuracy of their submissions. Any contributor found to be plagiarizing any percentage of his or her content will be subject to an investigation of his or her entire body of work. If found guilty of plagiarism, the offending author will be banned from the community with all content removed.